

Application.CreateCalibrationGroups ( FilePaths, CombineMethod, DarkScaling, Boxcar )


String FilePaths - a string specifying one or more folders containing the images to be scanned for building calibration groups. If more than one folder is specified, separate their paths with semicolons (;).

CombineType CombineMethod - specifies how the calibration frames are to be combined

mxSumCombine (0) : take sum of corresponding pixels in all images

mxAvgCombine (1) : take average of corresponding pixels in all images

mxMedianCombine (2) : take median of corresponding pixels in all images

mxSigmaClipCombine (3) : combine images using sigma-clip algorithm

mxSDMaskCombine (4) : combine images using standard-deviation masking algorithm

DarkFrameScalingType DarkScaling - specify the dark frame scaling method to be used  with any dark groups created

dfsNone (0) : do not scale dark frames

dfsAutoScale (1) : adjust the master dark frame by the ratio of the desired exposure time to the actual exposure time for this group

dfsAutoOptimize (2) : adjust the master dark frame using linear regression to minimize the RMS noise in the final image

dfsManual (3) : use manual dark frame scaling (NB. the scale factor cannot  currently be set using the automation interface)

Boolean Boxcar - if true, apply a boxcar kernel filter to any master flats generated  by this command. This is useful for one-shot color cameras


Integer - The number of calibration groups created


This method is equivalent to the Set Calibration command's "Auto-Generate (Clear Old)" operation. It removes all existing calibration groups (but not their consitutent files), then scans through the folder or  folders specified by FilePaths for full-frame FITS and TIFF images marked as calibration images, i.e., their IMAGETYP keys indicate they are darks, biases, or flats. Then it creates groups for each unique combination of image type, image pixel size, binning, temperature or ISO setting, etc.