

This Map is a handy tool for picking your calibration stars.

All the stars in the Visible Bright Star list on the Control Panel are shown as white dots. The current telescope position is shown as a green square. Actual calibration observations you have made are shown as red X's.

If you click on a star, it is automatically selected in the Visible Bright Stars list on the Control Panel.

If you double-click on a star, the telescope will be automatically slewed to the star. The Lock Target button on the Control Panel will also be turned on. To make an observation, just double-click on a star, center it using the Nudge controls, and click the + button to record it.

Note that, as you make the observations, the sky will continue to rotate as the Earth turns. Therefore after a short while, the observations will no longer line up exactly with the calibration stars. The map is updated at regular intervals to show this. Auto-Calibration observations will not line up on stars.

The horizon line is shown in blue. The horizion can be adjusted using the Horizon Editor.

The Map can be resized by dragging a corner or side.